Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Explorers' Club, № DCIX

Operation AXIOM: The World War—The Finnish Civil War, Part III
19 April-5 May 1918: The Battles of Lahti (19 April-1 May), Vyborg (24-29 April), & Ahvenkoski (10 April-5 May)—Finnish White & German troops conquered the transportation hub of Lahti & the old military fortress at Vyborg, cutting off the Finnish Reds from their Soviet patrons; 45,000 Reds were taken prisoner; Red Finland capitulated on 5 May, the last Red troops surrendering at Ahvenkoski.

The Wayback Machine Tour of the Finnish Civil War
№ DXCVII: The Battles of Kämärä & Vilppula (Part I).
№ DCVIII: The Battles of Tampere & Helsinki (Part II).

Lest we forget.

Commentary: The swastika on the armored car in the second photograph is not anachronistic. Recall that the swastika is an ancient symbol, used by cultures throughout Europe, Asia, & the Americas long before the dark advent & well-deserved demise of National Socialism. The swastika experienced a tremendous surge in popularity in Western culture in the late nineteenth & early twentieth centuries, which almost certainly contributed to its eventual adoption by (& stigmatization because of) the Nazis.

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